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A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships

April 15, 2020

After months of meetings, planning and strategizing an entire re-brand of my production company into something completely different, we never planned for this. And while the current pandemic definitely threw not only my entire industry into chaos, but also all of my clients.

But, if there ever was a time for a radically new approach to how businesses and artist interact, and how the arts community interacts and supports itself (more on that in a second), I tend to think now is as good as any.

The internet leveled the playing field for creatives, and suddenly we became flush with a ‘digital agency’ on every virtual street corner. But I wanted to cut through the weeds for business owners looking for creative services. We act more as an incredibly experienced wire-service, facilitating your brand or businesses creative needs to the variety of professional partners we have across all artistic fields, and managing the production and publishing of your project until it is completed.

We specialize in helping you re-brand or relaunch your business with the ability to go from initial logo design, web building or redesign all the way through to traditional and digital video content helping you tell your brand’s story. We can help you with one-off projects or plan out consistent monthly audio, video and written content to push on all your social media and digital platforms.

Now, if you’re an artist...any kind of artist...this next part is for you.

I’m one of you.

An aspiring writer/director and musician. I left high school turning down offers from colleges to pursue my dream as a musician and soon after followed in the family business of video production. And while my income is primarily based on business/corporate video work, I still have incredible desire to create...and more importantly, pave a new path forward to make achieving all of our collective creative dreams hopefully a little bit easier.

I believe the entertainment industry at large is failing at discovering new talent. With Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc., everyone is an artist. Standing out can be hard, sometimes even feel impossible. Algorithms generally tend to work against you.

But our strength comes in working together and building a strong, unfuckwithable brand to leverage the independent voice against the old guard. Working together to showcase the best our individual arts communities have to offer.

As we roll out the re-brand over the coming months, we’ll be offering more services and resources for artists. Educational and Community events that we hope to become staples of our local arts scene. And as soon as we’re able to organize have face to face interactions, you’ll be seeing Rising Tides Creative everywhere and anywhere.

We’d love to have you join the movement.

Stay safe out there. See you on the other side of quarantine.

